Temps de reflexion

All of us are faced with difficulties during our lifetime.

We sometimes find ourselves unable to voice our emotional states, which can leave us feeling at loss. This feeling can have a significant impact on our everyday life, our family dynamic and professional life. 


Whenever you want to delve in your well-being and tap into your full potential, the key element here is to reconnect with yourself.

Inspired by several western and eastern traditions, the neuropsychiatrist Alfonso Caycedo developed a technique called Sophrology.

Sophrology can be defined as serenity of the mind, aiming for harmony and balance between body, mind and emotions through gentle techniques.


This relaxing approach can be an interesting addition to conventional medicine.



✓   GUIDED VISUALISATION (create mental imagery and autosuggestions)

Engage with your senses and feelings through muscle relaxation achieved with the use of breathing and relaxation techniques to allow you a moment of calm with positive visualisation.

Positive visualisation offers the ability to bring in a new perspective, free of restraints, to create new opportunities.

What’s the meaning of visualisation ?

It can be seen as a visualisation involving self-reflection where you can let yourself imagine a situation unfold positively so as to prepare yourself for a positive outcome in this situation. 

Not only positive visualisation can be interesting in changing our perspective whenever a situation is not working for us but also when you want to anticipate a stressful and unavoidable situation so as to deal better with the emotions that can come with it.

The benefits of Sophrology

Accessible at any age and for all physical conditions, each session is designed around your needs and your feelings with simple techniques that you can easily recreate at home.

Each session contributes towards the release of tension whether physical, emotional or mental.

✓ Have a moment to yourself

✓ Reunite with your body and your senses

✓ Take time to reflect on just feeling your emotions

✓ Be in harmony with your mind

What can I expect during a session ?

A typical session starts with you sharing your concerns and expectations for the session. 

We will then move on to simple movement techniques which will allow you to get back in touch with your body, regulating your breathing and moving into a blissful state. 

This is followed by a relaxation phase within a wake-sleep cycle. The aim is to set out positive visualisations based on the session's purpose. 

We finalise this session with a second exchange to discuss and reflect on your experience (this would only be on a voluntary basis within a group session).

Restore calmness and find your inner peace

Refocus on what is essential for you

Be assertive, thrive and release your potential

Free yourself and live by your values